Nevada School District Facing Wrongful Death Claim

Schools often employ security guards to prevent injuries and avoid lawsuits for negligent security.  Clark County School District, however, may have made a mistake in the particular school police that were hired.   Parents of a teenager killed in a drunk driving accident have alleged that school cops participated in a party with a “bunch of drunken teenagers,” according to 8 News Now.   The school district, the police department and individual employees have been named in a lawsuit by the deceased student’s parents. Las Vegas Wrongful Death Attorney - Aaron & Paternoster

When student injuries occur, Aaron & Paternoster, LTD can help.  Call today to learn more about how we can assist victims and their families to take legal action and recover monetary damages for accidents and injuries.

Nevada School District Facing Wrongful Death Claim

According to Watchdog Wire, the Clark County School District Office of General Council has incurred significant legal costs defending against a wrongful death claim for the death of the student killed in the drunk driving crash.

The lawsuit alleges that a UNLV honor student was killed when a teenager was driving drunk and slammed into her vehicle.  The student had apparently been drinking at a party with CCSD police employees.  The lawsuit also alleges that school police supervisors tried to cover up what had occurred and that CCSD lawyers directed police not to investigate either the death or the subsequent cover up.

The parents of the student who was killed have not only filed suit against the police and the school district but are also taking legal action against a police dispatcher, the teen who drove drunk, and the School Police Chief who allegedly authorized the cover-up.

The federal magistrate presiding over the case has ruled that there is sufficient evidence of a cover-up to allow the case to move forward to trial.

If the allegations are true, it seems clear that many of the parties involved breached their legal obligations. School police are supposed to keep students safe, and drinking at a party with them and allowing them to drive drunk falls far short of this basic obligation.

The school district and police department can be held legally responsible for the negligence and wrongful acts of employees on the job.   Many lawsuits against school districts and against police departments arise because of actions that individual employees took on-the-job. This is because government workers have limited protections from immunity for the work they do, and because workers are seen as agents of their employers.

The employer school district or police department is responsible for the actions of its agents, and can thus be held liable for negligence or wrongdoing. Since districts and police departments typically have more money to pay claims than individual government workers, parents of students who are injured will often try to hold the district accountable for the damages.

Cases against school districts and public employees are complicated because of the governmental immunity protections. An experienced attorney should be consulted to help when school is responsible for student injuries.

If you need to speak to an injury lawyer in Las Vegas, contact Aaron & Paternoster, LTD today at (702) 384-4111 or visit for a free case consultation.

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